Love Is Love – LGBT Valentine’s Day Blog Hop


When I was thinking about the topic for my post in this blog hop, I was repeating the theme – Love is Love – over in over in my head. What is love? What do I want to say? And then I thought about love songs. Everyone has favorite ones, most of us have some they can’t stand. I asked myself what’s my favorite and I couldn’t come up with a current one, but then I went back in time to my teenage years. And the song that was my favorite one through those years, the song that still has a special place in my heart?

It’s “Thank You For Loving Me” by Bon Jovi.

(I’ve just listened to it again and I still know all the lyrics, I still feel it in my heart.)

What’s your favorite love song? Or the one that still makes your heart clench when you hear it?


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A.J. Marcus
Aidee Ladnier
Alexa Milne
Amanda Young
Annabeth Albert
Anne Barwell
April Kelley
Brandon Shire
Bronwyn Heeley
C. J. Anthony
Catherine Lievens
Cecil Wilde
Charlie Cochrane
Christopher Koehler
David Connor
DP Denman
Draven St. James
Elin Gregory
Elizabeth Noble
Ethan Stone
Eva Lefoy
H.B. Pattskyn
Hayley B James
J.M. Dabney
Jennifer Wright
Jessie G
Julie Lynn Hayes
Karen Stivali
Kazy Reed
Kendall McKenna
L M Somerton
Lily G Blunt
Lisabet Sarai
Lynley Wayne
M.A. Church
Shiloh Saddler
Morticia knight
N.J. Nielsen
Neil Plakcy
Sibley Jackson
Stephen del Mar
Sue Brown
Tali Spencer
Tara Lain
Thianna Durston
TM Smith
Tracey Michael

3 thoughts on “Love Is Love – LGBT Valentine’s Day Blog Hop

  1. I have a few but its the poignant oldie ‘We have all the time in the world’ sung by Louis Armstrong, as the sad fact is that we don’t and if you must treasure love when you find it…

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