Leading Me Home is #1 on AllRomance Bestseller List!

Don’t ask me how long I stared at this:

AReBestseller1 22lut2016

I still can’t believe my book is in the top spot in the entire store!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone who made it happen! I’m so glad to see this series out there and I hope readers will like Harrington Pack at least half as much as I do.

Leading Me Home (Harrington Hills #1) Out Everywhere

Today is the day of LMH’s general release! Below you have links to all the stores the book is available now, as well as a few excerpts of some early reviews:



Pride Publishing (currently at a discounted price!)
Amazon: US | UK | DE | CA
Nook (B&N)

What are people saying?

5/5 (exceptional) (…) This novella has it all – friendship, romance, it has some hot scenes without being gratuitous, and it has definitely left me wanting more. Absolutely adored this book and I’m looking forward to returning to Harrington Hills as soon as I can. Highly recommended.
(Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books)

4* (…) Leading Me Home, is a charming best friends story with the addition of werewolves, that, by the end of it, had me snuggling my teddy bear (in a good homey, not purvey way). The sexual tension between Kevin and Taylor is palpable, well written, and easy flowing with just enough, will they won’t they hooks to keep me reading.
(Sinfully Gay Romance Book Reviews)

5* (…) I highly recommend this book. If you love a good werewolf romance then I guarantee you will like this.
(Inked Rainbow Reads)

(…) This was a love story. Not a suspenseful shifter story of villains and predators. It was about two wolves learning to love each other. About allowing yourself to want things and accepting it when you get it. It’s a story of family, strength, and understanding.
(Diverse Reader)

Leading Me Home Is Out! (+Excerpt)

As of today, Leading Me Home, the first book in Harrington Hills series, is available for Early Download at Pride Publishing website HERE.

You may also pre-order Leading Me Home on Amazon here: US | UK | DE | CA. The general release date is February 16th.


Pretending to date the guy he has a crush on?
Kevin’s sure he’s heading for a disaster. A broken heart, at least.

Kevin has been a lone wolf almost his entire life and he’s comfortable with that. Now that he no longer works for the guy he hated, Kevin has only one problem – his crush on his neighbor and best friend.

Taylor is the Alpha’s Son, the heir to the Harrington Pack. He left his hometown and moved to San Francisco as a rite of passage, but it was always temporary, since his place is in Harrington Hills with his pack. Now Taylor is heading back home for a wedding and since his mother threatens to set him up if he comes alone, he needs a date. Asking Kevin to be his pretend boyfriend sounds like a perfect solution.

What happens when they arrive in Harrington Hills and learn to see each other in a different light? With their relationship changing, can they drop the act and realize what they have is real?



Two weeks into his unemployment, Kevin was yet to regret being fired. His sleep
schedule was finally somewhat stable and he enjoyed being at home every night, where his
main task was to catch up on all the shows he’d missed when he was tending the bar.
He was about to reach for the last slice of leftover pizza when he heard knocking on the
door. The familiar signal—two quick knocks followed by two more after a short pause—
meant Kevin already knew who was outside.
“Everything’s all right?” he asked as he opened the door and let Taylor in. They’d lived
next to each other for over a year and a half now, and they regularly dropped by each other’s
places at various hours of the day, but five to midnight was pretty late, even for them.
“Aren’t you supposed to be buried under the deadlines?”
“Two projects down, one to go.” Taylor flopped down onto the couch and grabbed the
last slice of pizza. “It’s cold,” he said, scrunching his nose, but that didn’t stop him from
taking a bite.
“No one forces you to eat it.” Kevin rolled his eyes and sat down in his place on the
couch. “What’s up? Deadline jitters?” He’d witnessed it happen countless of times by now.
There was always a point when the stress of running time hinged on the threshold of a
nervous breakdown and Taylor’s manic energy had to get out somehow. The fastest way to
deal with it would be to change and run as a wolf, but they were living in the middle of a city
not really known for its wolf population, so that option was rarely on the table.
“I got a call from home.” Taylor burrowed deeper into the couch cushions and Kevin
was sure that even if he weren’t a werewolf, he would be able to sense Taylor’s unease.
“Mom A has informed me that if I come to the wedding alone, she will stage an
intervention—in the form of presenting me to all eligible bachelors from our pack.”
Kevin told himself that the sudden roll in his stomach came from too much pizza and a
reaction to Taylor’s stress. It was most certainly not from anything even remotely close to
jealousy at the thought of a bunch of men fighting for Taylor’s attention. He put his feet on
the coffee table slowly. “Isn’t she going to be too busy with the wedding?”
Taylor finished chewing another bite before speaking again. “She’ll never be too busy to
try to bully me into dating.”
“Lovely,” Kevin muttered. He knew she was both Taylor’s mom and his pack’s Alpha,
but there should be some limits.
“I need to find someone to go with me.” Taylor stared at the ceiling. “Who do we know
that could do this?”
Kevin shook his head. “Stop it. It’s insane.”
“Most of my friends are taken, damn it,” Taylor continued as if he hadn’t heard him
and Kevin wondered if there was even any point in trying to reason with the crazy person
his best friend obviously was.
“You don’t need a date,” he tried one more time.
“Yes, I do. You don’t know my mother.”
Kevin sighed. “Listen, I get that you want to make your mother happy. She’s your
mom. She’s your Alpha. I get it. But you don’t have to do everything she wants you to do.”
He’d heard a lot of stories about Taylor’s family and pack, and they all seemed nice. It was
obvious Taylor cared about them. But sometimes it seemed like he didn’t see anything else.
“It’s just a wedding. You’re allowed to go alone.”
“I don’t want to go alone if I have to endure my mother’s terrible attempts at setting me
up.” Taylor winced. “She tried once, when I was in high school. Let’s just say it didn’t end up
“You’re not in high school anymore!”
Taylor shrugged. “I still don’t want to risk it.” Then he sat up straight. “Wait, you’re
free! You can come with me! That’s it, that’s the solution.”
Kevin gaped at him for a moment, frozen in place. What the hell?


The book is available from Pride Publishing HERE.

Leading Me Home News & Links

The official premiere is still a few days away (Early Download from Pride Publishing website comes live this Tuesday), but you can already pre-order – just click HERE and the link will take you to the store.

You can also pre-order Leading Me Home on Amazon here: US | UK | DE | CA

But remember, the book goes live on Amazon  on February 16th!  If you want to get to know Kevin and Taylor before that, head to the Pride Publishing website and purchase from there.


I’m hearing good things from people who got ARCs of the book (thank you!) and the positive feedback definitely helps as I’m working on editing the draft of Book 2 of the series. I like spending time with the Harrington Pack a lot and I hope you will, too!

New Series! With Werewolves!

If you looked around closely enough, you might have seen a mention of a new series of mine, Harrington Hills. It’s paranormal, mixing werewolves with small town romance, simply because I couldn’t resist werewolves for long!

It’s also my first book published by Pride Publishing, a part of the Totally Entwined Group, which I’m really excited about.

But let me tell you more about the book:


Pretending to date the guy he has a crush on?
Kevin’s sure he’s heading for a disaster. A broken heart, at least.

Kevin has been a lone wolf almost his entire life and he’s comfortable with that. Now that he no longer works for the guy he hated, Kevin has only one problem – his crush on his neighbor and best friend.

Taylor is the Alpha’s Son, the heir to the Harrington Pack. He left his hometown and moved to San Francisco as a rite of passage, but it was always temporary, since his place is in Harrington Hills with his pack. Now Taylor is heading back home for a wedding and since his mother threatens to set him up if he comes alone, he needs a date. Asking Kevin to be his pretend boyfriend sounds like a perfect solution.

What happens when they arrive in Harrington Hills and learn to see each other in a different light? With their relationship changing, can they drop the act and realize what they have is real?


The book comes out on January 19th from Pride Publishing (available on the publisher’s website) and the general release is on February 16th.

Cherish & Give Is Out – Christmas Came Early This Year!

The official release date is December 11th, but Cherish & Give (D.C. Files #1.5) is already out on pre-order!

Presidential elections may be over, but Sam and Blake are still a work in progress.

The last fourteen months of Sam’s life have been a crazy ride that was supposed to be over by now. It isn’t. While the presidential elections came and went, things don’t seem to be slowing down, despite his efforts.

And Blake is a patient man, but even he has his limits.

Although old habits die hard, they can be conquered, and when the new realizations occur, it’s a chance for Sam and Blake to decide how to move forward and navigate the relationship down the road. It’s no Christmas miracle, but it’s theirs and they’re not willing to back down.


NOTE: Cherish & Give is a part of the D.C. Files series and although the longer books in the series can be read as stand-alones, this Christmas story is about the main couple from Serve & Protect (D.C. Files #1) and is more suited for people who had read that book first.

Buy links:
MLR Press
Amazon: US|UK|DE|CA
All Romance

D.C. Files Christmas Story – Cherish & Give – Coming Soon!

Revisit Sam and Blake as they are gearing up for their first Christmas after the elections!


Edit: Pre-order on AllRomance is live! Click HERE for an early gift for the holidays.

Edit again: Pre-order on Amazon is live as well and it’s HERE.

Presidential elections may be over, but Sam and Blake are still a work in progress.

The last fourteen months of Sam’s life have been a crazy ride that was supposed to be over by now. It isn’t. While the presidential elections came and went, things don’t seem to be slowing down, despite his efforts.

And Blake is a patient man, but even he has his limits.

Although old habits die hard, they can be conquered, and when the new realizations occur, it’s a chance for Sam and Blake to decide how to move forward and navigate the relationship down the road. It’s no Christmas miracle, but it’s theirs and they’re not willing to back down.


The official release date is December 11th, but MLR Press plans to set up a pre-order as an early Christmas present, so stay tuned. I will anounce it on social media.

Trust & Confidence (D.C. Files #2) Is Out Now!

It’s here, it’s here! I’m super excited (and nervous) about this book, so I hope you like it.

It’s been ten years, they are supposed to be over this.

Michael Lorne has worked for years to be where he is right now – on a protection detail for the White House Chief of Staff. But then his whole world gets shaken up the moment he meets the one person he thought he would never see again. His childhood best friend, his first love, the one who got away.

After a stint of working on presidential campaign, Adam Davis is back where he belongs – writing for his political commentary blog, DC College. Life is good. He’s comfortable. He’s doing what he loves. He’s… not prepared to see Michael walking back into his life.

Nothing can be the same now that they have met, but what will happen next? Is their past truly behind them or are there some things that were never meant to end?

NOTE: This book is the second one in D.C. Files series and some of the characters we’ve met in the first book show up again. As such, it is a continuation, but Trust & Confidence can also be read as a stand-alone.

Buy links (I’ll add links as they come):
MLR Press
Amazon: US|UK|DE|CA
All Romance

Trust & Confidence (D.C. Files #2) – The Excerpt

Trust & Confidence comes out in a week, so – as usual – it’s time for an excerpt!


It’s been ten years, they are supposed to be over this.

Michael Lorne has worked for years to be where he is right now – on a protection detail for the White House Chief of Staff. But then his whole world gets shaken up the moment he meets the one person he thought he would never see again. His childhood best friend, his first love, the one who got away.
After a stint of working on presidential campaign, Adam Davis is back where he belongs – writing for his political commentary blog, DC College. Life is good. He’s comfortable. He’s doing what he loves. He’s… not prepared to see Michael walking back into his life.
Nothing can be the same now that they have met, but what will happen next? Is their past truly behind them or are there some things that were never meant to end?

*The book is the second one in D.C. Files series and some of the characters we’ve met in the first book show up again. As such, it is a continuation, but Trust & Confidence can also be read as a stand-alone.


The evening rush was in the full swing, and Michael had to count to ten not to ram into the guy in the car in front of them who thought it was perfectly okay to continue screaming into his phone and ignore changing lights for the third time in a row.
Michael glanced into the rearview mirror at his boss, but Sam Daniels, the White House Chief of Staff, didn’t care about the traffic. He was too busy muttering to himself about some unfortunate staffers from the Legislative Affairs team.
“Who the hell let you graduate law school? This is just simply not true.” Sam crossed things out in the memo he was reading.
The asshole in the car ahead finally took a left turn, disappearing from Michael’s sight, and the rest of the drive went smoothly. Sam put his papers away as they pulled into his driveway and he leaned closer to Michael with a smile.
“Now that you’re off the clock,” he said, nodding at Greg, an agent from the night watch, who was parked at the curb. “Come join us for dinner? Blake made ribs and I know how much you love them.”
Michael looked at the clock on the dashboard. Five past seven. It wasn’t often that they got out of the White House before eight, and the offer was tempting. Sam’s partner, Blake, made the best ribs Michael had ever eaten outside his family house.
On the other hand, Michael was supposed to keep his professional and personal life separated. He’d given himself that pep talk just last week. Sam was a great guy, and they would probably be friends under other circumstances, but Michael was his detail. Secret Service agents weren’t there to become close to people they were protecting, even if Sam had made staying strictly professional very difficult right from the beginning. Michael appreciated the warm welcome, especially as it was his first protection detail since he’d arrived in D.C., but he had been worrying about it as well.
“You don’t have to, if you don’t want to,” Sam’s voice interrupted his thoughts. They were out of the car now and even as he was scanning his surroundings, Michael could see Sam’s shrug in the corner of his eye. “It’s okay if you just want to go back home and relax. As I said, you’re off the clock now.”
And now he felt sorry about his hesitation. “It’s not that.” Michael shook his head. “I just don’t want to… You’re off the clock too.”
“And there should be at least three people inside to spend the evening with, relax, and eat good food. You’re welcome to join us.”
Before Michael could reply, the front door opened and Blake stood in the doorway. “What are you two still doing out there? Come on in or I’ll burn the food.”
“Yes, dear,” Sam crooned and grinned when Blake rolled his eyes.
“Tom’s on his way and Linda brought Adam with her. They’re arguing about the latest CNN poll. You need to make them stop.”
And if Michael had refused the invitation and gone home, or if he had connected the dots sooner, the shock could have been avoided. Or at least derailed. But he followed Sam inside and less than a minute later came face to face with Adam Davis.
Fuck his life. No ribs were worth it.
“Michael.” Adam straightened up and his shocked expression made Michael’s stomach clench.
He could see Sam’s raised eyebrows and Linda’s worried frown as he took a step back. “Adam.” He searched for the things he could say, from stranger-neutral to hostile, and back, but he came up empty. He nodded at Adam’s sister instead. “It’s nice to see you again, Linda. If you all will excuse me,” Michael added, glancing around the room, but not pausing to look anyone in the eye. “I really need to go home.”
“Of course.” Sam seemed to catch on quickly, bless him. “See you tomorrow?”
“Seven o’clock. Bye.” If Michael hadn’t wanted to protect his dignity at least a little, he would’ve probably run out of the house. Instead he walked back to the front door with Sam, who caught his elbow right when he reached for the handle.
“You’re all right?” he asked quietly, eyes narrowed.
Michael nodded. “I’m fine. Old ghosts. Really, it’s fine. I just need to go home.”
Sam hesitated, but finally nodded. “See you tomorrow,” he repeated after stepping away.
When Michael got into his car, he rested his head back against the seat and stared at the wheel. Adam Davis. It had been a decade and Michael’s heart still went from ten to a hundred in a second.
“You’re supposed to be over this,” he told himself quietly and closed his eyes, hoping Greg wasn’t watching him. He took a few deep breaths and straightened up in his seat. Home. He needed to go home.
On the way, Michael drove carefully enough to earn himself a few horns, but he didn’t care. He concentrated on the next light, next turn, on the out of state plate of the car in front of him. He very deliberately did not think about Adam. About how he looked almost the same now as he did ten years ago, with his hair in disarray, and his jeans and T-shirt, and his… everything. About his shock at seeing Michael back in his life, even briefly.
The last light changed to green and Michael took the turn onto his street. He saw Ed, his landlord, doing stretches before a run, and he nodded in greeting, but didn’t pause to talk to him.
In his apartment, Michael went around and turned the lights on everywhere. He secured his gun, took off his suit, then reheated the chicken from last night’s take out. He ate it standing by the counter, staring at the wall behind the couch. Kennedy came up to fawn along his legs and he crouched to pet her.
“I’m really stupid, aren’t I?” Michael asked and Kennedy tilted her head to the side. “Yeah. I know.”

GR add

Trust & Confidence comes out on November 13th.
If you’re interested in the first book in the series, Serve & Protect, click HERE.

Trust & Confidence (D.C. Files #2) Coming Soon!

The second book in D.C. Files series comes out in three weeks, on November 13.


It’s been ten years, they’re supposed to be over this.

Michael Lorne has worked for years to be where he is right now – on a protection detail for the White House Chief of Staff. But then his whole world gets shaken up the moment he meets the one person he thought he would never see again. His childhood best friend, his first love, the one who got away.
After a stint of working on presidential campaign, Adam Davis is back where he belongs – writing for his political commentary blog, DC College. Life is good. He’s comfortable. He’s doing what he loves. He’s… not prepared to see Michael walking back into his life.
Nothing can be the same now that they have met, but what will happen next? Is their past truly behind them or are there some things that were never meant to end?